Browse Items
- [Inchon]
- 08.01.04
- 08.03.01
- 1396
- 1793
- 1804
- 1861
- 1862
- 1863
- 1864
- 1866
- 1878
- 1880s
- 1886
- 1887
- 1889
- 1891
- 1895
- 1896
- 1897
- 1898
- 1900
- 1900s
- 1902
- 1904
- 1914
- 1915
- 1916
- 1918 (ca.)
- 1919
- 1922
- 1953
- 1954
- 1956
- 1957
- 1962
- 1964
- 23rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
- 9th New Jersey Infantry Regiment
- Aaron Burr
- Aaron Van Fleet
- abolition
- Absecon
- Absecon St.
- Absecon Street
- accident
- act
- Acts of the Assembly
- Adam's Bath
- Adams Electric Company
- advertisement
- aerial view
- African Americans
- afternoon
- airplane view
- American College and Missionaries in Seoul
- American Pioneer Missionaries
- American-style buildings
- An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery
- Ann Van Fleet
- Annual Floral Parade
- approach to Seoul
- April
- Arbor Agency
- Arbor Rescue Squad and Hose
- architechture
- Assembly
- Atlantic City
- Atlantic County
- Atlantic Highlands
- August
- Ball Room
- barn
- Barnegat
- bathers
- bathing
- Bayard Street
- beach
- beach camp
- beach patrol
- beach scenes
- Bergen County
- bicycling
- bird's eye view
- birds
- Black women
- Blind and Deaf School; Pyong Yang
- boardwalk
- Bodurjha
- boys
- bridege
- bridge
- Brighton Casino
- British Guiana
- British Guyana
- British Information Services
- broadsides
- Brownell
- building
- Bukdaemun
- Bureau of Pensions
- Burnet Street
- C.R.W.
- ca. 1918
- cabanas
- Cabinet Minister
- camp
- Campaign Leaflet
- canoeing
- capital
- capital building
- capital punishment
- Central Pier
- Central Railroad of NJ
- certificate
- chairs
- changes
- Charles Smith
- Chief of Sanitary Action
- children
- Chosen
- Chuch St.
- church
- Church Street
- circular
- civil rights
- Civil War
- class portrait
- cleaned
- clerks
- coast
- color
- colorful
- Commander of Northern and Southern Army
- communities
- Confederate
- construction
- Corea
- Corean
- correspondence
- cottages
- counter
- courthouse
- creek
- crowd
- crowded beach
- Curtis Williams
- D. F. Jirglers
- D&R Canal
- date unknown
- Dean Sato
- death sentence
- December
- Delaware and Raritan Canal
- democracy
- democratic process
- Dennis Street
- Department of Development and Colonization
- discrimination
- Division Street
- doctor
- Dr.
- Dr. Fujita
- Dr. Hall
- Dr. Holwell
- Dr. Mary M. Cutler
- Dr. William James Hall
- drug store
- Dutch
- Dutch house
- earthquake
- East Long Branch
- Easton Avenue
- economics
- Edison
- Eight Gates
- electric chair
- electric road by 1904
- elm
- embassadord to Japan
- Emily Warren
- Emily Warren Roebling
- engine 44
- engraving
- envelope
- Envoy Extraordinary
- equality
- equalty
- equity
- Ewha Haktang
- execution
- factory
- fairness
- family
- far from the city's heat
- farm
- favorite spot
- Feeder Canal
- feeding
- female nurses
- FF144.N532H (Manuscripts)
- fire department
- first Christian girl pupils
- first medical missionary
- Flower Parade
- Foreign affairs
- Fortress Wall of Seoul
- Franlinger's
- freedom
- French Cathedral
- French Street
- General Assembly
- girls
- golf
- Goodkind
- Government Medical School
- Government Savers' Boat
- gradual abolition
- graduates
- graduating class
- grave
- Great North Gate
- Griffis
- group photograph
- Guyana--politics
- Gyokusendo
- H. G. Underwood
- H. N. Allen
- Haddon Hall
- Hamilton-Burr Duel
- hand colored
- happy
- Harold Joel Harris
- Harriet Tubman
- Head of Military Academy at Seoul
- Henry S. Appenzeller
- Highland Park
- Highlands
- Highlands Beach
- hill
- hispital staff
- Historic Smithville Inn
- holiday crowd
- Homer C. Blake
- Hopewell
- Horace Grant Underwoood
- Horace N. Allen
- hospital
- Hospital Tent
- Hosptal Tent
- hotels
- house
- Hudson County
- human rights
- Hungarian-American
- Hungarians
- huts
- I. Villareal
- image
- immigration
- improved
- improvements
- in the forks of the
- inaugural college class
- Inchon
- Independence Club
- inns
- J. Shaw (painter)
- J.H.H. (engraver)
- Jai Se Peel
- Jaisohn
- James O. Van Fleet
- Janeway and Carpender
- Japan
- Jersey Avenue
- John A. Roebling
- John B. Bernadou
- John H. Hill (engraver)
- John Hill (engraver)
- Joseon Dynasty
- Joshua Shaw (painted)
- justice
- K. Fukuda
- K. Murakami
- keeping our own
- KFN1825.A25
- kids
- Kim Ok Kiun
- Kim Ok-gyun
- Kim Youg Siun
- Kim Young Siun
- Korea
- Korean chhildren
- Korean house
- Korean Independent (publication)
- Korean nurses
- Korean Photographs
- KP 01.03.02
- KP 04.01.01
- KP 04.01.02
- KP 04.02.04
- KP 04.02.07
- KP 04.02.12
- KP 04.03.04
- KP 04.03.05
- KP 04.03.06
- KP 04.03.07
- KP 04.03.08
- KP 04.03.09
- KP 04.04.02
- KP 04.04.06
- KP 05.02.04
- KP 07.02.01
- KP 08.01.19
- KP 08.02.01
- KP 08.03.02
- KP 08.03.03
- KP 09.01.01
- KP 09.01.04
- KP 09.01.05
- KP 09.02.05
- KP 11.01.13
- KP 11.02.25
- KP 11.03.08
- KP 12.01.11
- KP 12.01.12
- KP 13.01.12
- KP 13.02.11
- KP 13.03.02
- KP 13.04.02
- KP 13.04.03
- KP 13.04.08
- KP 13.04.12a
- KP 15.04.02
- KP 15.05.03
- KP 16-05-01
- KP 16.05.02
- landscape
- law
- leather shop
- Legations
- Les Martyrs de Coree
Missions Etrangeres - letter
- Liberal Party
- life boat
- life guards
- life saving crew
- lifeguards
- light house
- lighthouse
- Little Hungary
- Livingston Manor
- locomotive
- looking from a hill
- looking North West
- low tide
- M. Carey & Son (printer)
- Mack
- Magyar
- marines
- Marlborough-Blenheim
- marriage
- married
- Martyrs of Korea from Foreign Missions
- mass march
- MC 974
- Mecca cigaretttes
- medical missionary
- medical staff
- Membership certificate
- men
- Mercer County
- Michigan Avenue
- Middlesex County Courthouse
- Mile Run Brook
- Mile straightway stretch
- mill
- Million Dollar Pier
- Millstone
- Minister of War
- Minister Plenipotentiary
- Miss America
- Miss Denman
- Miss N. A. Anderson
- mission headquarters
- missionary home
- modern
- Monmouth County
- Morris Goodkind
- mound
- Mount Zion A.M.E. Church
- mountain
- Mr. Nakano
- n.d.
- Nat Turner
- National Council of Negro Women
- New Brunswick
- New Brunswick Rubber Company
- New Jersey Assembly
- New Jersey Broadsides
- New Jersey Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
- new Mausoleum
- New York Rd.
- New York Road
- New-Jersey Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
- night
- no date
- North Carolina
- North Gate of Seoul
- notice
- nurse
- Ocean County
- operation room
- oversize
- Pak Yong Hio
- panorama
- panoramic view
- paper
- parade
- Passaic County
- Passaic Falls
- Paterson
- Paterson and Hudson River Rail Road
- Paterson Great Falls National Park
- Penna. Ave.
- Pennsylvania Ave.
- pension
- Pension Agency
- pension application
- people
- Persecution
- Phillip
- Phillip Jaisohn
- photograph
- pigeons
- pioneer
- Piscataway
- play
- Playground of America
- Police Headquarters
- politician
- politics
- popular spot
- portrait
- postcard
- President of the Government General Hospital of Seoul
- prince
- Princeton
- prisons
- Progressive Party
- promenade
- Promenade Pier
- promenaders
- promising student
- Pyong Yang
- Pyong-in
- Pyongyang
- Queen Min
- queen's burial
- race
- railroad
- railway
- raised
- Raleigh
- Raritan River
- real estate
- Rear Admiral
- recreation
- religion
- rescue
- resort
- revolution
- Rice
- Richard's Bath
- River Edge
- roads
- Robert Alexander
- Robert Jackson Alexander Papers
- row
- RR
- Rutter's Bath
- Saddle River
- Sah Jai Pil
- Saito Shinichiro
- Saito-gyun
- scene
- science
- Sea Bird
- sea gulls
- Seaview Golf Club
- Second Sitting
- self sufficiency
- Seol
- Seoul
- Seoul and Chemulpo
- Seoul Hospital
- Seoul street
- shooting
- shore
- shot
- skyline
- slavery
- Smithville Inn
- Smooth Water
- social justice
- social welfare
- society
- Solarium
- soldier
- Somerset County
- South Carolina Avenue
- Speech
- sports
- stationed
- stationery
- statue
- steamboat
- steamer
- Steel Pier
- storm
- streets
- students
- submerged
- Sukjeongmun
- sun deck
- Sunday Parade
- Sunday Promenade
- sunny day
- sunshine
- surf
- Surg. Gov't Fujita
- Sycamore tree
- Sylvania Cottages
- Taber
- teachers
- Tennessee Ave.
- The Strand
- Thompson House
- three Korean college students; first college class
- Titusville
- Tokio Military Academy
- Tokyo Military Academy
- train
- transfer remains
- transformed
- Traymore
- tree
- Trenton
- U.S. Envoy
- U.S. Legation
- U.S. Minister to Korea
- U.S. Navy
- U.S. Rubber
- under American instruction
- under water
- United States Legation in Seoul
- vaccinated
- vaccination
- vaccination day
- Van Doren
- Van Fleet
- VanDoren
- Ventor Beach
- Vice Minister
- Vice-Commander of the Northern and Southern Army
- view
- view of a seaport
- village
- Virginia Avenue
- waiting for my pals
- Waldron
- walking
- wallpaper
- Washington
- Washington Roebling
- water
- water is warm
- Water Street
- waterfall
- waves
- wedding
- Weehawken
- welfare
- west of the city wall
- William McKay
- Wm. James Hall
- women
- Women's Hospital
- Women's Hospital of Extended Grace
- women's rights
- wonderful change
- Wooden Way
- world famous
- World Famous Boardwalk
- world-famous Atlantic City boardwalk
- world's greatest
- World's Longest Boardwalk
- Wrigley's gum
- yachting pier
- Young's Ocean Pier
- Young's Pier